Jun. × ’09

So last September i read this and since everybody is talking about the movie ,i thought about posting these test screening reviews.

There are spoilers, but we are all grown up girls so…
one of the reviews is this one and the other one you can find in the link bellow.


a test sreening review

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A new doll

Jun. × ’09

My goddaughter saw my doll’s and asked if i would make her a pink doll. Her 9th birthday will be in August , and i kept thinking about it and what to make with a pink doll that didn’t look weird and then i thought…a fairy ,i love fairies and so does she… so i came up with this…

Tell me the truth, but be gentle

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Tim and Alice

Jun. × ’09

OH BOY, I can’t wait…I CAN’T WAIT……….

Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland!

It’s Alice…and it’s Tim…and it’s Helena…and..and Johnny…weeeeeeee!!

I iz excited!!

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May. × ’09

And just take a look at that!!

And what about the DROXY_SNAPE DOLL ??? LOLOLOLZ

Here at Deviantart


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May. × ’09

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Mar. × ’09

The Portuguese have found about a million things to do with dry, salted codfish. They bake it, boil it, steam it, fry it, smack it up, flip it, and rub it down (ohhh nooo)! It’s one of those things that if you’re Portuguese and you don’t love it right away, you’re out of luck, because eventually you WILL learn to like it.

Bacalhau a Braz

1lb. of salted, dry codfish, de-boned
6 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into matchsticks( we call this potato straws , they must be very, very thin)
1 large yellow onion
8 eggs
1/3 cup of fresh parsley
2 tbsp. of red crushed pepper (or to taste)
2 cloves of garlic, minced
Nutmeg to taste
salt and pepper to taste
Black olives, for garnish
olive oil
vegetable oil, for frying

Soak the salted cod, changing the water every hour if you want to cook it the same day, until most of the salt is gone. This may take several days and that is how we do it( but again you can find codfish in most homes in Portugal every day of the year lol, we buy the fish, slice it, soak it and then freeze it, that way there is always Bacalhau ready to cook).
Drain and boil in a saucepan for 5-8 minutes. Drain and de-bone. Shred codfish and set aside.
In a deep frying pan on medium high heat, add vegetable oil. Once oil is very hot, fry potatoes in batches until lightly golden. Drain on paper towels and set aside.(We can by them already prepared like potato chips, you probably have them too)
In a deep saute pan over medium heat, coat bottom with olive oil. Add, onions and garlic,let them fry for a minute( until the onion looks translucent and just a little fried) add codfish and black pepper. Saute for 3 minutes. Add, red crushed pepper and nutmeg. Saute until onions are tender. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, check codfish mixture for salt and at this point add salt to eggs if needed. Add the potatoes first, mix well and then the whisked eggs to codfish mixture and combine well. On “very” low heat, keep stirring until eggs are fully cooked.( I don’t let the eggs to be over cooked,usually i remove the pan from the eat when they are still a little wet and i keep stirring for another minute,this way they cook just from the eat of the pan, it makes the mixture soft and moist and people say that my Bacalhau is the best, lolol)
Add the parsley. Garnish with black olives
Serves 4-6

If you don’t soak the salted cod you will either: A. Render it inedible or B. Spend the entire day drinking water like when you overdo it at the Chinese buffet. Thanks.

After you add the eggs, it will take several minutes for it to come together … you may or may not at this time experience self doubt as to whether you screwed the whole thing up and it will never finish cooking. Just saying.

I took this recipe from another person, so of course as you can notice, the English is much better than mine , but i changed it a little to make it MY recipe, hehe!

I also found this link that explains very well and with step by step photos how to do it!

If you need help with this just ask, I promise it is delicious!

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Mar. × ’09

Caldo Verde

Make a light broth with potatoes,(you can had a little onion if you like) as light as possible. Just boil them and mash them.
Take dark green cabbage, or kale–in Portugal called “couve galega”–roll the leaves tightly and sliced them as thinly as possible. Scald briefly so they are brilliant green. The cabbage should be abundant to give body to the broth.

When ready to serve, add the scalded cabbage to the broth with a little olive oil and let it boil for about 5 minutes, so the olive oil can cook.
Serve with slices of the smallest Portuguese pork sausage you can find–each region in Portugal has its own, most of them spiced with paprika (colorau).

Along with the caldo, you can also serve corn bread.

this is the genuine recipe and the one i love best. There are more and if you want i can find them for you!It’s amazing during winter time.

Here, this might help:

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Mar. × ’09

Most of my LJ friends aren’t Portuguese and i find that you know very little about my country. It’s sad because it’s a lovely little country with the best food and wines you can wish for, beautiful sea side( I’ve posted before about it http://zauza.livejournal.com/tag/beach , and some more food http://zauza.livejournal.com/tag/rice+with+octopus.)

I found this link while browsing and i thought it was funny, if you want to have an idea of what you can find to eat around here, it’s someones blog and she challenged people to post pictures of typical Portuguese food, some of the pictures where posted by people that came here for tourism!

If you ever come to Portugal, there are 4 things you must try :

Caldo Verde


Pastéis de Nata


Caldo verde ( green soup) is the best soup in the world

Don’t be fooled by the way it looks, it is delicious ( specially at 3 in the morning after a night drinking and partying, lol and if you add to this a very nice and hot “Pão com Chouriço( bread with pork sausage)…hmm, yummy)

Bacalhau,(codfish)well we here say that there are at least 365 ways of cooking Bacalhau! And that means that you can eat it every day of the year without eating the same recipe twice…lol! I love it!

Pateis de Bacalhau( Codfish cakes)

Every time my friend Izumi comes to Portugal this is the first thing she asks for at a restaurant.( Bacalhau á Bráz) It’s my favorite too, and so easy to cook)

Pastéis de nata or Pasteis de Belém( Portuguese custard cakes) ( if you are lucky to know someone that takes you to eat the genuine thing, because Pastéis de nata you can find everywhere but the Pastéis de Belem are unique and there is only one place where you can find them and they are sooooooooo amazing that the recipe it’s one of the best well kept secrets in our history)

Bica( it’s a small ,strong coffee, much like an espresso and you find it at any snack bar, coffee shop, restaurant..i mean every where, we are absolutely addicted to this)

If it doesn’t bother you i will from time to time post some more stuff about Lisbon and Portugal and our food.

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Mar. × ’09


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What Kind of Boots Are You?

Mar. × ’09

Stolen from miamadwyn

You Are Combat Boots
You are a complete and total rebel. You refuse to do what you’re told, and you’re quite stubborn.
You really don’t care what other people think of you. You are tough and often ruthless.

You are independent, iconoclastic, and countercultural. You resent authority figures.
You are very headstrong. No one is going to pressure you into being someone you’re not!

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