
4thJan. × ’10

Idunna é muito especial, foi um trabalho de muito amor. Cada  ponto, cada pormenor cheio de esperança, carinho ,ternura.

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Viajou para longe de mim, mas estará sempre muito perto do meu coração, porque a fiz para oferecer a uma amiga muito especial.

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Idunna was made for a friend, someone very special.

And every stitch and detail, was done with thoughts of hope, care and love. She went far away, for distant, cold lands, but she is very, very close to my heart.

And like the Goddess who inspired her, i hope she will be the carrier of  a new year full of new things,  joy, new accomplishments …new starts and opportunities.

And when the Winter comes,and the days get darker and somber,  all my friend will have to do is look at her dolly and remember that the Spring will soon arrive.bonecas 050

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