Being sick ,can be a good thing.

2ndJan. × ’10

While i have been sick, i made something i should have done a long time ago.
I can’t sew much right now, it makes me really tired, but i was feeling so frustrated to just sit and do nothing, and i remembered that years ago i bought a miniature kitchen and i love miniatures, so i thought it was a good way to occupy my hands and create something.

But…there is always a but, after long years stored, many stuff was broken or ruined.

This is what it should look like

and this is all i could do with it

There is an entire section missing, some furniture, all the glass accessories, porcelain, the window frame,most of the lights and …and the list goes on.
But i had fun.

It’s my first attempt and i didn’t take many liberties with with, but i like it.
I still have to find a way to fix the window and glue all the small pieces in place ,find a way to attache the selling lamps ,but i’m happy.

It’s a bit traditional, for what i usually like and enjoy making, but the next one, will be a bit different. 😀
If i ever make enough money to buy another one.

It’s f*** expensive!

Edited: I still want to buy a cat. A sleeping kitteh on that chair in front of the fireplace!
Yeah, my kitchen needs a kitteh.

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