18th century dress

Jan. × ’10

I’m not inlove with this one. Please tell me what you think so far.This one is VERY,VERY important.

This is the “look”…sort of…

And i still have a lot of work ahead of me.

Another nightmare to make!

Thanks for holding my hand Juno!

P.S. I’m sorry if i haven’t been commenting lately, but she is driving me crazy!

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18th century pretties

Jan. × ’10

I am researching the 18th century fashion, for my next two dolls.( The ones i have to make for the Museums)and i am absolutely inlove!

And i want to share.

So ladies! Here come the “stays” !

Italy, silk

This way to the past

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Most Interesting Bookstores of the World

Jan. × ’10

Book lovers…check this out!


And awe!

P.S.Borderlands Science Fiction Bookstore in San Francisco has a cat…Hermione must live there…

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Meet Iz

Jan. × ’10

Barbara asked me for an Elf lady called Iz. She is related to water and she is a princess with green eyes and long red hair.

This is what i made, i hope she likes her.

The dress was made with a beautiful ,very shiny blue velvet and blue organza, and it is a very unconventional dress, the skirt is made in irregular pieces of velvet embroidered with silver tread and green and blue beads.And the underskirt is in organza also cut in a irregular pattern and embroidered in silver.

Click pictures to enlarge.

Iz the Elf Princess

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Jan. × ’10

Idunna é muito especial, foi um trabalho de muito amor. Cada  ponto, cada pormenor cheio de esperança, carinho ,ternura.

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Viajou para longe de mim, mas estará sempre muito perto do meu coração, porque a fiz para oferecer a uma amiga muito especial.

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Idunna was made for a friend, someone very special.

And every stitch and detail, was done with thoughts of hope, care and love. She went far away, for distant, cold lands, but she is very, very close to my heart.

And like the Goddess who inspired her, i hope she will be the carrier of  a new year full of new things,  joy, new accomplishments …new starts and opportunities.

And when the Winter comes,and the days get darker and somber,  all my friend will have to do is look at her dolly and remember that the Spring will soon arrive.bonecas 050

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My girls

Jan. × ’10

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My Blue fairy

Jan. × ’10

02032009_04A Fada Azul é especial. Foi toda feita com restos de tecidos que andavam espalhados por casa. O corpo è mais uma vez um molde de Patti Medaris Culea mas a cabeça é do molde da Francesca da Rivka Mizrahi. Queria que ela fosse um pouco desporpocionada e gosto imenso do efeito que dá o facto da cabeça ser maior em proporção do que o corpo.


03032009_12Esta boneca não precisou de nenhum processo de pesquisa, foi um trabalho muito espontanêo , foi tudo surgindo muito naturalmente . Foi a primeira cara que fiz depois de me oferecerem o livro da Patti e sei que está longe de ser perfeita, mas mas é uma das preferidas e está sempre ao meu lado na bancada onde trabalho.

My Blue Fairy is a favorite of mine. Not because she is perfect ,far from it, but she was a totally free project. And all the materials i used were bit and pieces i had around the house.

I used Patti Culea’s pattern for the body ,and for the head i used Francesca’s pattern by Rivka Mizrahi. I wanted her to be a bit awkward, with the head a bit bigger and it worked. She looks cute.

This little flower fairy stands by my side all the time,on my work place, as if  she is taking care of all the stuff i have hanging around, and a reminder of the magic i feel around me, while i work.

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Jan. × ’10

03062009_01Fiz esta boneca apartir de um molde da Patti Medaris Culea, do livro  Cloth Doll Faces ,http://www.pmcdesigns.com/classes.htm.

O projecto de construção desta boneca foi um prazer constante.  Gosto do processo de pesquisa, e para esta boneca foi divertido e muito interessante. 14052009_05

O que me levou mais tempo a elaborar e várias horas de tentativas e muitos alfinetes, foram as sapatilhas. Queria muito que os pés tivessem a posição certa, o ângulo apropriado, natural numa bailarina. Acho que até me sai bem.

03072009_24A maior dificuldade foram os olhos. Estes foram os primeiros olhos escuros que pintei. E  percebi rápidamente ,que é muito mais dificil pintar olhos escuros, do que olhos claros. Isto é algo em que vou ter que trabalhar para aperfeiçoar.

Mas gosto muito desta boneca.


Espero que gostem tambem.


Ballerina was a very fun project. I used a Patti Cullea pattern from her book  Creative Cloth Doll Faces.

I though she was going to be a huge challenge, but as it turned out, she wasn’t. Hard, yes, because i wanted the feet to look perfect ,like those of a Ballerina,  and that alone took many hours of sewing and dozens of pins. I loved the embroidery work and the research for the dress.


Perhaps the greatest frustration was the eyes. It was really hard to paint dark eyes. That’s  something i will have to work hard to improve.                                                      

  Another thing i have to improve are my pictures. ehehe

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Stone House

Jan. × ’10

And what about this Casa na Pedra (House in the Stone)? Right here in Portugal!

This is not uncommon, a house built like that, i have seen this done very often, but what it’s really original ,it’s that it is a single house.

There is one place that ,if you ever come to Portugal, you CAN NOT miss. It’s Aldeia de Monsanto. It’s so beautiful ,i went there some years ago and i thought in was in another time, another world.

These pictures are not mine.(my ex took those with him, when he left)

pretty, pretty

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Oh look, it’s Middle-Earth

Jan. × ’10

One of the cool natural breath-taking places in Russia are the “Lena’s stone forest” or “Lena’s Stone Pillars”.
Many spend a lot just to get there and to take a look. This place is where the virgin Siberian woods stand untouched and the only way to get there is to take a four day journey from Moscow city. First, you have to take a flight so long that if you flew opposite direction you could easily come to New York, so far from Moscow that is, but that’s still Russia. The average price for such flight is around $800 by Russian airlines, and as you might guessed there are no foreign competitors on those routes. Then upon the arrival to Yakutia region, the land from where the significant part of world’s diamonds production originate from. Then from there the only way to go to this place is by a boat. Armed native individuals can offer you a “cheap” $500 trip on a small boat, so in three days you can be on spot. They can show you the fields of wild hemp flower around which, as some tourists say, often can be picked up by your guide while you are exploring the stone forest, and then boiled together with some milk to meet you when you are back in camp with some mind blowing mixture. And they are all armed there, those natives. Also you can take bit larger river boat that are run by some local companies and go with more comfort up the river. Of course, then there are no armed natives or botanical exploration.
Also this one can be see on google maps to get an idea where the heck it is.


On our way to Rivendell

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